Why Do We Worry?

Why Do We Worry?

Worrying is thinking about something that may happen in the future that we have no control over, or the outcome will have a negative impact on our lives. It is attempting to solve problems that present itself. Thoughts of worry are triggered by feeling helpless and out of control. We should often ask ourselves “Do I have control over this?” when we are worrying about something.

Constant worrying can lead to anxiety. Anxiety is the feeling you have when you are apprehensive and stressing out about something. Anxiety is triggered by worry.


Having concern and anxiousness about certain situations is a part of human nature. We all have feelings of anguish and thoughts of misgivings about something. Those thoughts do not have to be significant or traumatic. We often express concern about very minute things which cause us to feel anxious.

Worrying is tied to control. When we are presented with a problem, we mentally try to solve it. Worrying occurs when the problem has no solution or a negative outcome. There are things in life we have no control over, such as the weather and the passage of time. Frequently we experience anguish over these things when, in reality, we can do nothing to control them.

Worrying is also tied to feelings of helplessness. When things happen, that makes us feel that we are unable to affect the outcome; these feelings can cause a great amount of worrying.

How can I stop worrying? 

There are some things you can do to reduce the amount of worrying. Whenever thoughts of concern enter your head, ask yourself, “Do I have control over this?” Contemplate that answer. Once you have determined the answer to that question, the key to reducing the amount of worrying that occurs is to accept the answer no matter what it is. This, of course, is easier said than done. Acceptance of things takes an incredible amount of willpower and control.

Worrying is a part of life. There is no way to eliminate worrying altogether, but you can reduce the amount of worrying you do by controlling your thoughts and reactions.

If you or someone you know needs help with stress or anxiety, please reach out to us.

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